Thursday, 24 July 2014

bulk product important in magento

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel as an administrator.
  2. Click System > Import/Export > Dataflow - Profiles.
  3. On the Profiles page, click Import All Products.
    This option can be used to import any number of products into Magento CE or EE. You can also use it to update existing products.
  4. In the Import/Export Profile section in the left column, click Upload File.
  5. Click Browse and follow the prompts on your screen to locate the file you previously exported and edited.
  6. Click Save and Continue Edit.
  7. In the left column, click Run Profile.
  8. From the list, click the name of the file you previously uploaded.
    The following figure shows an example.

  1. Click Run Profile in Popup.
  2. Wait while your products import.
    Importing typically takes longer than exporting. Progress messages displays during the import. Don't interrupt the import while it's happening.
    The following message displays when all products have been imported:
    Imported number records.
  3. The following message displays to confirm products were imported successfully: